youth arts >

youth arts 

Weird Framing is committed to using media production as part of youth engagement projects, with a particular emphasis on emotional well-being. 


In 2008 Colin was in charge of Youth Media at the National Media Museum. The project worked with young people excluded from school or at risk of offending, giving them the chance to learn new skills as part of a studio production team. They were then given the opportunity to progress and learn about single camera production, editing, and digital journalism. 

In a nine-month period Youth Media provided just under 3000 contact hours for 261 young people, with over 80% coming from the governments 'hard to reach' target groups. The responses from the young people and from the agencies taking part were overwhelmingly positive.

If your organisation wants to use media to engage young people then we can help. All our projects include a professional DVD to evidence your work.





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